When you shop at Najmat, product detail page messaging will let you know whether an item can be delivered to you. To determine your location we will use your default delivery address when you are signed in to your account.

Najmat works closely with its couriers to provide a competitive delivery experience for our customers. We determine the exact delivery charges at checkout based on the number of items, item type, weight and volume of all the items in the shopping cart, but basic guidelines for estimating delivery costs are provided below for your reference.

The total delivery cost is calculated by adding the “Per Delivery” cost and the “Per Item” or “Per kg” cost. “Per Item” costs are applied to the number of items and “Per kg” are applied to the actual weight (listed as delivery weight) and dimensional weight (delivery package dimensions – space that the item will take up in a delivery vehicle).

A Boshia Shipping as delivery option during the checkout.

You can check the table below to see the shipping speed for your country.

Country Shipping Time
United Arab Emirates 1-2 working day
USA 4-5 Working day
Canada 4-5 Working day
UK 4-5 Working day
Iraq 7-8 Working day
Iran 7-8 Working day
Bangladesh 4-5 Working day
Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar and Oman 2-4 Working day
Area(KSA) Shipping Time
Metro Areas (Dammam, Dere’iyeh,
Jeddah, Khobar and Riyadh)
2-4 Working days
Other Metro Areas 5 to 7 Working days
Non-Metro Areas 8 to 10 Working days
You can check the table below to see how we calculate your delivery costs. Orders may be delivered by various couriers and it isn’t possible to choose which courier will deliver your order.
Country Shipping fees
United Arab Emirates AED 15 Per KG
Canada AED 60 Per KG
UK AED 60 Per KG
Iraq AED 80 Per KG
Iran AED 80 Per KG
Bangladesh AED 15 Per KG
Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar and Oman AED 45 Per KG
Saudi Arabia AED 45 Per KG
The delivery rates listed on the summary page are inclusive of any applicable VAT.
Your shipment may also be subject to customs charges.

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